We realize that many of our RV’rs travel from afar so you can camp overnight from Monday 1st November right through to Tuesday the 9th November. Starting Monday Nov.1st wrist bands must be kept on during the festival so you can come and go as you please. A wrist band will be supplied on arrival.

  • Self contained drum fires are allowed weather permitting.
  • Please do not dig fire pits. The said fires must be contained and attended.
  • No campsites have water hook ups.
  • Any person on the festival grounds is subject to being photographed for Festival promotional purposes with no prior approval and no compensation. * Town water stations (Taps) are located in the camping area.
  • NB: Powered sites must not be abused by turning on Aiconditioners and heating appliances, blackouts may occur.
  • Generators may be used between 8am and 7pm daily. Please be courteous to your neighbors.
  • Pedestrian gate weekend pass will be supplied with a wrist band to come and go during the festival. The wrist band must be on your wrist.
  • Garbage bins are located throughout the campgrounds and concert area. You will need to supply your own garbage bags.
  • The festival is not responsible for your camping spot, for loss, theft, or damage to any property.
  • Please lock up your belongings
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